
School Festival

I went to Kumamoto University to watch 熊粋祭. It is a school festival. I belong to badminton club, so I helped there club. The club sold fried chickens, French fries and frankfurters. I didn't know what to do first but I did as they said. I fried potatoes and season four spices. It was a salt, cheese, pepper cheese, and spicy. I like pepper cheese although the breath smells garlic.
I did that until my friend came. Then my friend came and we looked around on the campus. She bought some meal tickets to eat with me, so I could eat some foods and enjoyed. She was very kind. Also we saw 建築展. It was very beautiful and terrific! The people reenacted the many place currently.
The school festival was a last day so we went drink after the finishing. I talked friends and drunken cocktails. I enjoyed the day.

(156 words)

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