First, the movie tells us love. Daniel loves his family, especially his children. After Daniel and Miranda divorced he wanted to meet his children. When Miranda came for children to Daniel's house earlier, Daniel insisted that he had still his time. He wanted to meet his children no matter what, he disguised as an English housekeeper at last. He could do that because he really loves them. He was a humorous father in front of his children but when he was a Mrs. Doubtfire, he was a strict and he took care of them. First the children didn't trust and listen to her but they gradually opened their mind and liked her. There were filled with smiles. If he were sad and painful, he could overcome them because he had a great affection for family. Daniel told his children and wife to love through a Mrs. Doubtfire.
Second, the movie also tells they need communication. Daniel and Miranda must have loved each other at first but they gradually didn't get along. If they loved very much, they crush gradually each other without communications because I can't know that she or he think to what. It is impossible for everybody such as friends and parents and their children. Daniel disgusted Mrs. Doubtfire and heard Miranda's thought for Daniel. Then he knew his bad points and cause so he could change them. It influenced on relationship between Daniel and his children.
If you consider somebody well but you don't tell them to him or her, the things goes wrong undoubtedly. When I work at part time job, I am always told that I have to communicate with our partners. If I do that, the work will go smoothly without mistakes or with a little mistakes and I will get trust from partner and customers. So it is very important for us to go well. We need communication not only family but also other place.
As a conclusion, I think this movie told love and communication in family, and we also need them. I haven't thought that family is very important for me, but I think that I have to thank for my family through this movie. This movie tells us that family is important, precious, and supported, and helps me. I could not have lived without my family. So I want to consider my family more and support and help for my family.
(511 words)
5 件のコメント:
Hi, coco! I'm Mio :)
I read your blog post! You think as same as me! Love and communication are soooo important in our life, right?
Then I have a question! In your opinion, what is important points when we cmmunicate with people? You have a great part tme job, so please give me some advises to me!
Finally, you should use "," in the sentence.
I mean you wrote "friends and parents and their children" so, you should do "friends, parents, and their children".
See ya!
Hi,coco. This is Yui.
I also thought this movie told Love to us.
Daniel rearly loved his family. Do you love your family? I love my family.
And this movie was so fun! I laughed many times at it. I liked this movie. I wanna watch it once again.
Helllllo! I'm chusong!
I read your essay, and it's easy to read! I have one same thing as you, which is love. It's kinda nice, huh?
Do you love your family? I love my family, and family is important our life!
If you add some pictures, your post is going to be more nice!:)
Thank you very much for your comments!
The important points of communicating with people are listening to others' thoughts and opinions well then telling your opinions to them. If you didn't do that, you cannot know others and trust.Communication makes human relations, I think.
And thank you for your advise :)
I didn't love my family before, but I love my family now. I cannot live alone and my family always help me. I can enjoy if I am with them.
Family is important our life. I think so too. I love my family and they have suppoted me all the time. So I have to thank them.
However, why do you love your family?
Thank you for your advise :)
Hi, coco!! I'm Chie♪♪ I read your essay. your essay is good!! It is easy for me to read and understand. I knew your feeling!!