I watched "Shrek" for the first time and the movie was so funny! I will tell you about "Shrek".
In the movie, the main character is Shrek. He lives alone in the forest, and there is a swamp near his house. He is an ogre and his skin is green. He has lived without communicating with others because he is an ogre, so he has thought that people were scared.
In this country, the people had caught fairy tale creatures because the people who catched them could get reward. One day, he met Donkey. Donkey was running away from civil servants and Shrek saved him. Donkey liked Shrek because he was kind even if he was a green monster. Donkey was funny and talkative. He also likes to sing songs but Shrek wanted to break the relationship.
This night, many fairy tale creatures were banished and came Shrek's swamp and they said that Lord Farquaad did this. So, Shrek and Donkey went to the castle to take back his swamp.
In the castle, Lord Farquaad was trying to build an ideal country and found a Magic Mirror. He said that to do this, Lord Farquaad had to marry princess. So, Farquaad had dealings with Shrek and Farquaad made Shrek and Donkey took the princess this castle and they went to the castle that she was.
The Princess Fiona was shut in top of the castle that Dragon was. She had to kiss fate person to remove a spell.
She had two faces. It was a night face and a day face. It was a spell. After Shrek saved her, they went to the Farquaad's castle. On the way, Shrek became to feel affection for Fiona, but he didn't take courage. Also, Fiona did so.
In the last, Fiona's secret had come out, but still Shrek loved her. He said "I love you." She also loved him. The two were finally joined in marriage.
The theme of the movie was appearance, I thought. Shrek and Fiona were similar to thought. They hated to be a monster. Shrek kept others at the distance, and Fiona afraid to let others know. Although they were monsters but they wanted to accept like a person.
Of course, Donkey was one of the most important characters. He was noticed that Shrek was kind even if he was an ogre. Donkey was busybody and had positive thinking, so he could open Shrek's mind and encourage having courage for Shrek. He talked too much but this is one of the most strong points for Donkey. If Donkey didn't exist, Shrek could not open his mind, meet Fiona and marry her, neither. He is a best friend for Shrek. Friendship and Love are also important.
I think that people worry about their appearance, but it is important for us to have courage and to look at other points like a Donkey.
(482 words)
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