
My University Life

I'll introduce my university life. I go to KGU by my car everyday. There are many faculties in KGU and I'm majoring in English. I study English and other foreign languages. I have passed more than one year since I entered in KGU. My university life is busy but funny, so I live full life everyday. I think that I have three important points in university life.

Firstly, it is to study language. I like English, so I am studying English in this university but I think that I don't have enough English skill at all. So, I have to study English harder than now. I think I want to get the job that I use English in our country or foreign country, but I have not yet decide what I want to do in the future. Therefore, I have been looking for them now. I have a course about Japanese from 18:00 to 19:30 every Monday and Friday, and I am very interested in it. So, I must study Japanese and teaching methods.

My second foreign language is French. I have studied for two years, but it is so difficult for me. Except for French, I took Korean last year because I am interested in Korean very much. It was a little difficult, but I could come to read the Hangul alphabet. I want to go to South Korea someday! In this year, I am taking Chinese, however, it was so difficult especially pronunciation and intonation. Although these are not so easy, but I am in the Foreign Language Department so I want to know other foreign languages.

Secondly, it is friends. I like to talk with my friends at bakery, the bench while basking in the sun. When I was sad or depressed, my friends listened to my thoughts and worries and advised me, and I was helped by them many times. We are always taking classes, or having lunch, or talking together and playing a lot. I like them very much, and they are precious treasure in university life.

Recently, I joined badminton circle and I go to play every Thursday after classes. I had been in badminton club from junior high school to senior high school. So, I like to play badminton. When I went to the circle for the first time, there were no people whom I know, but we came to talk little by little these days. I like to make friends and talk them, so I am looking forward to going the circle every Thursday. Spending the time with friends is very important for me and for you in our life, I think.

Thirdly, it is part time job. I have two part time jobs. One is a hostess at wedding and the other is KFC. I usually work at wedding on Saturday and Sunday, and KFC is on ordinary days. I prefer hostess to KFC because the hostess is impressed with the bride and groom and their people, so it is a work worth doing. It is happy for me to be helpful to someone, so I want to continue this part time job.

In these circumstances, I think that I am living a comfortable university life everyday. The university life is not only studying, part time job, playing but also being compatible with them. I like friends, circle, bakery, a students' dining hall and a little classes. I like KGU, I like all of KGU. If I didn't have them, I would spend terrible university life. I appreciate it and I want to make good use of my university life for four.

(601 words)

2 件のコメント:

Chi-ka- さんのコメント...

Hi, coco.

You had many experiences about your trips. Where countries have you ever been?

How long have you done your part-time jobs? You seemed to be enjoy your these jobs.

Emily さんのコメント...

exxiggtoHello Coco!! Thank you for your comment to my essay. See my blog again because I contributed a reply my blog again because I contributed a reply to you.

Tttteka! You wrote 601 many wards in your essay, don't you!? You are so great!!

You and me have same French class also this semester. You know, yeah Iknow too, it's so hard to learn. But let's hang on together to our bright future!!(笑)

Well, I read that you joined badminton club. I think you have a strong heart, because there were no have a strong heart, because there were no people whom you know at because there were no people whom you know at first there. You are good at making friends!!

So, I have a question. Is there something changed on your life or mind, since you have joined the badminton club? Please tell me.

See you next time!