

After the classes, I went to the Starbucks Coffee alone. I wanted to buy tumbler but, there were no tumbler which I like the design. So, I only ordered.

Recently, the new drink menu was gained and I heard this taste was very nice so, I tried to drink. It was a coffee jelly frappuccino blended coffee. The bottom of it is coffee jelly and its color is black and, the whole is sherbet basted on coffee and its color is blown. The top of it is fresh cream so its color is white, of course. It is vivid because this is a gradation.

I had caramel source put on the fresh cream because the tastes more delicious and caramel source is free. Do you know caramel source is free? If you order it, please challenge it by all means. It is so sweet that I recommend you who like sweets. However, it is only a little more expensive than the other drinks so, you had better pay attention the point.

Except the drink, I ordered the sand. It was a balsamicos chicken sand. It is put grill chicken, semi-dry tomato, broccoli and onion between original bread and tastes are grain mustard and balsamico source. It is spicy and luxurious bread. I liked it. I want to challenge another foods and drinks.

(222 words)

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