
Trip in Fukuoka 2!

Next day, we left the hotel and went to underground shopping center to eat breakfast. We entered the bakery with eaten space and chose two favorite bread and drink around 10 o'clock. Then we went to Ohori Park to watch cherry blossom. We got off the subway in Akasaka and walked to Ohori park. There were several cherry blossoms along the road to the park but, cherry blossom didn't bloom so much. I thought cherry blossom bloom better in Kumamoto than in Fukuoka. There was a very big lake and a lot of ducks. Many families came to the park excluding us. We took some pictures. We went back Tenjin to have lunch and looked for the cafe. We went to Solaria Plaza and had lunch there. My friends ordered hamburger and I ordered strawberry soft cream. Its bottom was strawberry milk juice and the top was vanilla ice cream. It was sweet and flavor of strawberry. After lunch, we looked around there bought one pink cardigan. At the under ground shopping center, I bought two earrings and my friends did, too. My earring is gold hart and gold ring. The biggest my shopping was to buy white bag. The price of it was about 31000 yen!! Because I wanted at any cost, I bought it after considering. I have little money now.
Then, we went to the station and buy a souvenir for our family and took high speed bus. I came back home at 18 o'clock. I enjoyed so much. I'm looking forward to summer vacation.

(258 words)

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