
Part- time job

Today, I had a part-time job. It was a hostess of wedding. I usually work on Saturday and Sunday from 10:30 to 8:00. However, I work from 9 o'clock recently. I have worked the end of June last year. This is the part-time job for the first time. At first, I could not like this job because I didn't know what to do and I had aways failed no matter what I did. I was mentally hard so, whenever I work, my heart was very heavy. I was often paid attention by my boss, but now, I am not a lot. As I think I work well and obtain her trust, I am entrusted with this job. I like to work now. I am impressed with the wedding. I am especially impressed when the bride read the letter to her parents even if she is an utter stranger for me. Wedding is usually only one within the lifetime, so I do my best for them. Out wedding is house wedding and the style of south Province. It is fashionable. Its name is REGALO. It is Italian and the mean is present in English. Guests often say that dishes are very delicious and, one of our sales points is dishes. Although I go another wedding holl, our wedding holl is the best. If I hold a wedding ceremony, I hold in REGALO. I strongly recommend it to you. Please come to us, and we provide good service for you.

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