
BR 2-10: ARTHUT and the SCHOOL PET

I read this serese. It was "Arthur and the Shool Pet." Arthur's younger sister is D.W. It was D.W.'s last day of school before Christmas vacation. In her class, there have a gerbil and someone had to take home for the holidays. Just then D.W. took him. His name is Speedy and he is really speedy. Speedy took to her and played. The morning of Christmas, he was not in his cage. D.W. cried and her familly looked for Speedy. He was on top of christmas tree and had a cheese! He wanted cheese. Then he got out of his cage three more times. They were in cake box, dollhouse and Arthur's snow boot. He had some trouble but D.W. liked him. Then he went back the school.

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BR 2-09:AUTHUR and the NEW KID

I read "Authur and the New Kid." Authur's class were writhing about summer vacation, and suddenly the door opened. In walked someone new. He is Norbert and he weared tie and jacket. He looked smart. The teacher said to him that take a seat anywhere, but he seat in the back near no one. He also seat near no one other classes. He and Authur's classmates have distance. In math class, a girl was asked a question. Norbert told her the answer. Then classmates understood that Norbert was good boy. At last Norbert, Authur and a friend went to Authur's house and play. They got along together.

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I read "Arthur Lost in the Museum." I like this series.
Arthur's class went to the museum. Arthur raised his hand three times, but it was not question. He wanted to go to the bath room! Then he was told the way of toilet, but he could not go soon. He entered another room for two times and he was laughed his classmates. However, his teacher didn't notice him. Finally, he could go to the boy's toilet. There were many model of American history, and Arthur made his history, too. He was very cute.
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BR 2-07: WAKE UP, SUN!

I read "Wake up, Sun!" because it was cute this cover and I thought it was Babe at first.
One night, in the middle of the night, a flea bit Dog on his ear, and Dog woke up. He thought that it had to be time to get up and "Woof!" said. Then Pig woke up and said "Be Quiet." There were not Sun yet and they went to look for Sun. At the way to looking for, they met Cow and Chicken and wake up each other. They all looked for the sun, but they could not find it. Finally, they began to yell, but the sun didn't appear. Farmer's baby woke up just as the sun came over the barn. Then the baby and the all animal began to get along each other.
It was warmly story.

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BR2-06: Stuart LIttle

I read "Stuart Little ~Stuart Hides Out~." I chose it because I have know Stuart and I was interested in this story.
One day Stuart Little's family went out, and Stuart had to leave with family cat, Snowbell. They were much time and played game together. They played hide-and-seek, then Stuart hid and Snowbell sought. Stuart hid in flower vase, and Snowbell started to seek him, but he couldn't seek him. Stuart decided to go out there, but he could not. He began to rock back and forth. Just then, Snowbell found rolling vase that Stuart was in helped.
I thought that Stuart and Snowbell don't get along with each other. However, Snowbell didn't eat Stuart and helped him, so I was surprised and happy.

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I write about future events. I am 20 years old now, and I have a coming-of-age celebration next Monday. It will hold in Koshi city hall and start at 10 clock. I am looking forward to meeting old friends.

Since graduating from junior high school, I have not met them so long time. So, I want to meet them and talk a lot of time. Before the day, I will meet high school friends. It is 3-4 classmates. We spent hard time together in high school day because we had to exam of university. We are going to talk and eat and drink at night.

After the day I will meet my grandmother and show my Kimono. She will be sure pleased with my dress. I want her to be happy. I love grandma. Then I will show at work because I was told that I come to there and show them. I think that they are also happy.

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